My daughter is 2.5 months old, she has a dry cough on & off. Her pediatrician got her IgE tested which were increased, Dr. has put her on Zatofen b.d. but still cough doesn't go off completely. She is on combination feed. I feel like when I have started her formula. she is facing this issue, might be she is allergic to her formula which is soy based? This is my rough idea , will be visiting her Dr again.
I'm 12months pregnant with alive fetus but NT is increased up to 7mm. I have 3 normal daughters +1 miscarriage. The doctor just told me to do a triple screen test at 15th week and then she will decide what to do. I need doctors suggestions here as well plus I want to know its reason as well
My son 3 years old got orchitis. Had swelling in the right testicle. He got 3 shots of Rocephin iv 1g. He is feeling much better swelling reduce but didn't go off completely. I just want to know how long will it take to go off completely. Rocephin shots quite enough or should go back dr again for further medication.
Dear doctors, I am suffering from this condition of coarse thick hair on my chin and neck and now I am looking for some permanent solution. Please tell if the laser is effective or any other thing that can eliminate them. I am a female 29 years old and suffering from this problem for the last 7 years. The only thing I did was I plucked a few hairs and now there are many.
My sister was pregnant and went for an ultrasound but her bladder was empty and she waited for 2 hours but no sign of urine. then the dr. asked her to get an injection for urine to come fast. I want to ask is there any injection like this? Because she had a miscarriage a week ago.
My daughter is 9 yrs old and gets sore throat very often. she is doing hifz please help out as she is almost on anti-allergies on and off
i have piles issue and severe pain and burn after i bowl,and also have constipation .
Facing some skin issue for which dermatologist recommend to keep body moisturize. kindly recommend me foods which help our skin in this. by which dryness can be finished.
aoa i have pain and stress in my leg after taking pain killer muscle relaxant medicine with the advise of orthopedic dr but no relief in pain and stress also i have cervical spondylosis with spasm problem
Hello, I am unmarried. I don't have vaginal discharge regularly not even in a month I used to have it just after being an adult and then after 2,3 years of being adult I don't have vaginal discharge is this alright for fertile women? Someone told me I should have vaginal discharge regularly before periods.
Salam. I have psoriasis. I had been taking methotrexate 10 mg per week for four years my l.f.t was ok. Two months back I stopped taking methotrexate coz my psoriasis was settled. I have been suffering from severe hip joint pain for two days. I have taken an appointment to consult a well-known rheumatologist. Can any doctor suggest me joint pain relief medicine for this severe pain?
My mother is facing severe constipation & then loose motion. It happens alternately. Please suggest the causes and remedies.
My finger actually went into my own eyes. I have got a cut. Used polyfax, Nibra eye drops, and rosewater but its getting more worst. Please guide. Its itching and its full red and this sort of itching and redness has started in other eye too. Please guide.
To check the random sugar after dinner, how long one has to wait. And if after one hour of dinner one took tea, what should be the time management to check the level. What should be the level after dinner and at fasting for normal sugar?
I use primolute-n for 4 months as suggested by my gynecologist. Now I got alot of facial hairs what should I do now
I need to ask a query related to pain in the arm which extends up to elbow from back of the left shoulder(junction). I used to train with weights but from a couple of days, I am having this pain whenever I train. There is no kind of pain apart. It used to happen within training and it goes on for around 30 minutes afterward. I need to know is it serious or something else? Your response awaited.
My skin got dull and rough. Kindly suggest me something that turns my skin fresh and glowing.
A 14 month old baby has been suffering from cough for 2 weeks and when she is sleeping during day or night this cough leads to vomiting. This has been continuous for 2 weeks now. The doctor had recommended Panadol syrup and acefyl syrup. When it didn’t improve chlomin syrup ( anti-allergic) was recommended. But it’s the third week now and cough leading to vomiting is continuous. Can any doctor kindly recommend some treatment for such cough? We have been to many doctors now.
What's the best and fast treatment for performis muscle pull. After I had my son my right leg hurts I m having a hard time standing, sitting, moving around as well. I went to the dr. they only give me painkiller which works for time being and the pain starts again,
My 2 months old daughter's right eye sometimes gets watery. It isn't constant. It happens occasionally and there is no redness etc. Could you please guide if there is something to be worried about. And if need to be consulted, should we visit a Pediatrician or Eye Specialist.